What is meant by ‘Information’ in accordance with Section 27 of the Evidence Act?

What is meant by ‘Information’ in accordance with Section 27 of the Evidence Act?

Ans: In accordance with the provision of Section 27 of the Evidence Act, the ‘Information’ would consist of a statement made by the accused to the police officer and the police officer is obviously precluded from proving the Information or part thereof unless it comes within the four corners of the section. If the police officer wants to prove the information or a part thereof, it must relate distinctly to the fact thereby discovered. The information is allowed to be proved only if that condition is satisfied. ‘Information’ used in Section 27 means the content or substance of a statement. Therefore, the exact information given by the accused while in custody or in other word, the statement made by the accused, must be recorded by the I.O. and if pursuant to such information or statement recovery is made, then that information or statement becomes admissible under Section 27. [UDAI BHAN V/S STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH – reported in AIR 1962 SC 1116]

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