Family Law — I (Hindu Law), (New Course) LL.B. II Sem Examination, May 2019, CCS UNIVERSITY

Family Law — I (Hindu Law), (New Course) LL.B. II Sem Examination, May 2019, CCS UNIVERSITY

LL.B. IInd Semester Examination, May-2019

FAMILY LAW – I (Hindu Law)

(K-2003) (New Course)

[Time : 3 Hrs. ]     

[M.M. : 100]

Note :— Attempt all the Sections as per instructions.


Very Short Answer Type Questions

Note :  Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 words.

1. Discuss maintenance pendente lite and expenses of proceedings.

2. Joint Hindu Family and its essentials.

3. Cruelty

4. Agnate and cognate

5. Is custom recognized as a source of law even after the codification of Hindu law? Comment.


Short Answer Type Questions

Note :— Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Short answer is required in not exceeding 200 words.

6. ‘K’ is 25 years old unmarried daughter of “B’ and unable to maintain herself. Therefore she demands maintenance from her father. Can she maintenance under Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956? Explain.

7. Discuss the principles which guide the court in the exercise of its power to appoint a guardian for minor’s person and property.

8. What are essentials of a valid Hindu Marriage Act?


Long Answer Type Questions

Note :— Attempt any three questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 20 marks. Answer is required in detail.

9. Who are entitled to shares on partition under the Mitakshara School? Can separated member reunite? Discuss.

10. Distinguish between void and voidable marriages. Under what conditions and on what grounds can they be annulled? Are children of such marriages legitimate? Discuss.

11. On what specific grounds a Hindu wife may file petition for divorce under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 but the husband cannot file?

12. Distinguish between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga schools of Hindu Law.

13. (a) Name the different remedies under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 to dissolve the Marriage.

(b) Can a suit lie in the civil court for obtaining a decree for annulment of a Hindu marriage after the death of a spouse? Explain.

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