Family Law — I (Hindu Law), (New Course) LL.B. II Sem Examination, May 2022, CCS UNIVERSITY

Family Law — I (Hindu Law), (New Course) LL.B. II Sem Examination, May 2022, CCS UNIVERSITY


LL.B. Examination, June-2022


Family Law-] (Hindu Law)

(K – 2003)

Time : 3:00 Hours | Maximum Marks : 100


(Very Short Question Answer)

Note : Attempt all 5 questions. 4×5=20

1. Void and voidable Marriage.

2. Schools of Hindu Law.

3. Self-acquired property and joint family estate.

4. Partition.

5. Religious Endowment.

Section – B

(Short Question Answer)

Note : Attempt any two questions.

6. Discuss the various schools of Hindu law. Explain how did they arise?

7. Who are the natural guardians of a Hindu minor and what are their powers?

8. Explain the general rules of succession in case of males.


(Long Question Answer)

Note : Attempt any three questions

9. Who can appoint testamentary guardian and what are his powers? Can a guardian be appointed in respect of the undivided interest of the minor in the joint Hindu family property? Discuss.

10. What are the conditions for a valid Hindu marriage? Can a marriage take place between two persons of different caste? Can a Hindu boy marry a Christian girl according to the provisions of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955? Discuss.

11. What do you understand by the pious obligation of a Hindu son to pay the debts of his father’s pre-partition debt? Discuss the pious obligation of a Hindu Son to pay the debts of his father. 20

12. Discuss the provisions relating to maintenance of wife under the Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act, 1956. When can she claim separate residence & maintenance?

13. Explain the general rules of succession in case of male Hindus.

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