The manager of a joint Hindu family represents the family in all its affairs and transactions, provided they are for family necessity. In this connection discuss the powers of a manager with respect to: (1) Alienation of coparcenary property. (2) To contract debts. [Punj JS 1995(II)]
Who can object to an alienation made by a coparcener and on what grounds? [Punj JS 1995(II)]
Examine the provisions of Section 4 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 in relation to their effect upon the validity of the earlier provisions of (a) factual and (b) customary law concerning, (i) the nature and social standing of different kinds of marriages, (ii) the eligibility of parties thereto, (iii) ceremonies and their solemnisation; and the duties and responsibilities following therefrom. [BJS 1978]
Write short note on Sapinda Relationship. [BJS 1986]
Define and explain the following terms as referred to in the Hindu Marriage Act: (i) “Full Blood” and “Half Blood”. (ii) “Uterine Blood”. (iii) “Sapinda relationship”. [HJS 2010]
What is prohibited degree in Hindu Law? [RJS 1991, 1999, HJS 1996]
What do you mean by ‘Sapinda-Relationship’ under Hindu Law? [RJS 1994]
What do you mean by Hindu? [RJS 1991, 1994, HJS 1996]
Describe the degree of prohibited relationship in Hindu law. [RJS 1999]
Who are the persons governed by Hindu Law? Who are entitled to share a partition in joint Hindu family? Explain divorce by mutual consent under the Hindu Marriage Act,1955. [UPJS 2015]