CrPC Mains Questions- Preliminary (Ss.1-5)

In this Article, CrPC Mains Questions- Preliminary (Sections 1 to 5) is shown which has been asked in the previous year exams.

Mains Questions

Criminal Procedure Code

Preliminary (Sections 1 to 5)

Q.1 What is Charge? State the particulars of the Charge. Can charge be altered? If so, when? What is the effect of defective charge? (Punj JS 2019)

Q.2. Describe the Cognizable and Non-cognizable offence. (JJS 2019)

Q.3 Distinguish between ‘Inquiry’ and ‘Investigation’. (Guj JS 2017)

Q. 4 Distinguish between Summons case and Warrant case. (Punj JS 2003)

Q.5. Distinguish between Inquiry and Trial. (HJS 1968, Punj JS 2003)

0.6. Explain the meaning and purpose of ‘Investigation’ with reference to relevant provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Distinguish between ‘Investigation’, ‘Inquiry and Trial’, giving two illustrations of each of these three proceedings. [Punj JS 2006]

Q.7. Write note on Warrant-Case [BJS 1978]

Q.8 (a) What are the material points of difference between Summons and Warrant cases?
(b) Describe the procedure for the trial of Summons Cases. [BJS 1984]

Q.9. Distinguish between Cognizable and non-cognizable offences
[DJS 1973, 2006, RJS 1979, HJS 1999, UPJS 1987, 2015]

Q.10. Bailable and non-bailable offences. (HJS, 1988, 1999, RJS 1969, 1975)

Q. 11 Inquiry and investigation. (HJS 1988, 1999)

Q. 12. Summons and Warrant cases. [HJS 1968, 1999]

Q.13. Distinguish between Inquiry and trial. [HJS 1988]

Q. 14. Define with reference to Criminal Procedure Code—
(i) Complaint (iv) Warrant case
(ii) Inquiry (v) Cognizable offence
(iii) Police Report (vi) Judicial Proceeding (RJS 1976)

Q.15. Explain—
(i) Cognizable offence
(ii) Non-bailable offence
(iii) Summons case [RJS 1977]

Q. 16. Explain and distinguish Bailable warrant and Non-bailable warrant. [RJS 1979]

Q. 17. What is a ‘non-cognizable offence’? (RJS 1984)

Q. 18. What is a ‘warrants case’? (RJS 1964, 1991, 2011)

Q.19. Define cognizable offence. (RJS 1991)

Q.20. Distinguish between any three of the following:
(a) Trial, Enquiry and Investigation.
(b) Complaint and Police Report.
(c) Cognizable and Non-cognizable offence.
(d) Summons Case and Warrant Case (DJS 1973)

Q. 21 Distinguish between (a) summons case and warrant case, (b) discharge and acquittal. (DJS 1989)

Q. 22. Define inquiry, investigation and trial and distinguish between these terms. [DJS 1989]

Q. 23. Write short notes on Bail in non-bailable offences [DJS 2006, UPJS 2015]

Q. 24. Distinguish between cognizable & non-cognizable offence, bailable & non-bailable offence, compoundable and non-compoundable offence; summary trial, summons trial and warrant trial. [DJS 2007]

Q. 25. Write a short notes on: (a) Investigation, inquiry and trial. (b) Complaint case and police case. [DJS 2009]

Q. 26. Write short note on Judicial proceeding (UPJS 2012)

Q. 27. Can an offence committed within the State of Jammu & Kashmir be considered under provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure as an offence committed outside of India? Answer with reasons. [UPJS 2013]

Q. 28. Write notes on Classification of different courts established in the State of Haryana. [HJS 1984]

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