Law Faculty

Law Faculty

Schools of Hindu Law

There are basically two schools of Hindu law: 1. Mitakshara: The Mitakshara is a running commentary on the code of Yajnavalka. It has been written by an eleventh century jurist by the name of Vijnaneshwar and prevails in all parts…


IMPACT OF DIGITAL INDIA Digital India is a forerunner programme by the Government of India to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. In last decade Government came up with various e-governance initiatives which were citizen centric.…

Online Education in Lockdown – Essay

COVID-19 has changed the ways of living, working, teaching & learning. Millions of students have been driven out of university campuses and the faculty is confined to their homes. This has forced the teaching community to look for alternatives to…

Kinds of Jurisdiction: Code of Civil Procedure (CPC)

The different kinds of jurisdiction are: Civil and criminal jurisdiction Territorial or local jurisdiction Pecuniary jurisdiction Jurisdiction as to the subject-matter of the suit Original and appellate jurisdiction Exclusive and concurrent jurisdiction General and special jurisdiction Legal and equitable jurisdiction…

Law Faculty
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