Law Officer Vacancy at Bank of India [Apply Now]
Bank of India invites online application for the post of Law Officer in under MMGS-II and MMGS-III scale.
Name of the Post: Law Officer
No. of Post: 56 (Fifty-Six)
Essential Qualification and Experience
Law Officer (MMGS-II)
• Graduate in law (3 years/ 5 years full time regular course) from a recognized University.
• Candidate should have minimum 4 years’ post qualification experience as practicing lawyer and/or with law firm and/or as law officer in any Bank/Financial Institution /reputed organization and/or as a judicial officer.
Law Officer (MMGS-III)
• Graduate in law (3 years/ 5 years full time regular course) from a recognized University.
• Candidate must possess professional experience of minimum 6 years’ post qualification experience as practicing lawyer and/or with law firm and/or as law officer in any Bank/Financial Institution /reputed organization and/or as a judicial officer. The experience as above can be cumulative. However out of 6 years atleast one year experience of working as a law officer in a Bank, PSU or Financial Institution is a must.
How to apply?
• To apply online, click here
• The last date to submit the online application is 10.04.2024
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