- Faciendum – Something which is to be done.
- Fatum – Beyond human foresight.
- Factum – An act or deed.
- Factum probanda – Fact in issue, which is to be proved.
- Factum probans – Relevant fact.
- Facultas probationum non est angustanda – The right of offering proof is not to be narrowed.
- Falsa demonstratio non nocet – A false description does not vitiate.
- Fait accompli – Things done and no longer worth arguing against; an accomplished act.
- Fatetur facinus qui judicium fugit – He who flees judgment confesses his guilt.
- Falsus in Uno Falsus in Omnibus – False in one aspect is false in all respects. False in one thing, false in all.
- Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas – Happy is he who has been able to understand the causes of things.
- Felonia implicatur in qualibet proditione – Felony is implied in every treason.
- Ferae naturae – Dangerous by nature; of a wild nature.
- Festinatio justitiae est noverca infortunii – The hurrying of justice is the stepmother of misfortune.
- Force majeure – Circumstance beyond one’s control, irresistible force or compulsion
- Fraus est celare fraudem – It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
- Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant – Fraud and justice never dwell together.
- Fructus naturales – Vegetation which grows naturally without cultivation.
- Functus officio – No longer having power or jurisdiction.
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