- Quaeitur – The question is raised.
- Quantum – How much, an amount.
- Quantum Merit – As much as deserved.
- Qui facit per alium facit per se – He who acts through another acts by himself/Liability of an employer for the act of employee. A person who does a thing through the instrumentality of another, is held as having done it himself.
- Qui non habet, ille non dat – He who has not, does not give.
- Qui non improbat, approbat – He who does not disapprove, approves.
- Qui prior est tempore potior est jure – He who is prior in time is stronger in right.
- Qui sentit commodum, debet et sentire onus – He who derives a benefit ought also to bear a burden.
- Qui tacet consentire videtur – He who is silent appears to consent.
- Quid pro quo – Consideration. something for something.
- Quidcquid plantatur solo, solo cedit – Whatever is planted in or affixed to the soil, belongs to the soil.
- Quo Warranto – By whose authority? A legal proceeding during which an individual’s right to hold an office or government’s privilege is challenged.
- Quod necessarie intelligitur, id non deest – What is necessarily understood is not wanting.
- Quod necessitas cogit, defendit – What necessity forces it justifies.
- Quod non apparet, non est – What does not appear, is not.
- Quod non habet principium non habet finem – What has no beginning has no end.
- Quod per me non possum, nec per alium – What I cannot do through myself, I cannot do through another.
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