Registrar Vacancy at Appellate Tribunal for Electricity
Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL)
- Name of the Post: Registrar
- Number of Posts: 01 (One)
- Qualifications:
- Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Supreme Court or High Court or District Court possessing a degree in law from a recognized University or equivalent.
- Holding an analogous post on a regular basis; or
- With two years of regular service in the post in level 13A in the pay matrix; or
- With three years of regular service in the post in level 13 in the pay matrix; or
- Holding the post of District Judge or Additional District Judge or Registrar or Additional Registrar, on a regular basis; or
- With five years of regular service in the post of Joint Registrar of a High Court.
How to Apply:
- Interested candidates are required to submit their application in the prescribed format.
Applications should be submitted to:
- Office of Mr. Chander Mohan, Registrar, APTEL, Core-4, 7th floor, SCOPE Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003.
- Deadline: Within four weeks after the publication of the vacancy circular in the Newspaper, i.e., 14.08.2024.
For Official Notification and Application: