GGSIPU THIRD SEMESTER [LLB] NOVEMBER – DECEMBER 2017 Constitutional Law-I Semester Exam Papers IP University

GGSIPU THIRD SEMESTER [LLB] NOVEMBER – DECEMBER 2017 Constitutional Law-I Semester Exam Papers IP University



Paper Code: LLB 201 Subject: Constitutional-I

Time : 3 Hours | Maximum Marks : 75

Note: Attempt any five questions including Q. No. 1 of Part A which is compulsory. Select one question from each unit in Part B.


Q. 1. Write short notes on the following:- (5×5=25)

a) Doctrine of Pith and substance

b) Parliamentary Sovereignty

c) Independence of Judiciary

d) Article 370 of Indian constitution

e) Executive powers of Governor



Q. 2. Discuss the extent to which the federal principles have been incorporated into the Indian Constitution. Refer to its operationalisation with the help of case law. (12.5)

Q. 3. What are the salient features of Indian Constitution? Discuss the case law to explain the judicial approach in preserving the basic structure of the constitution. (12.5)


Q. 4. “The issue of Parliamentary privileges has been bone of contention and conflict between the parliament and judiciary.” Critically examine in the light of the decided cases. (12.5)

Q. 5. Discuss the powers of the executive to legislate through Ordinances and the limitations forced in the constitution on this power. (12.5)


Q. 6. Explain and illustrate the legislative relations between union and the states with the help of decided cases. (12.5)

Q. 7. (a) Discuss the doctrine of Harmonious Construction. (6)

(b) Write short note on doctrine of Colourable Legislation. (6.5)


Q. 8. What are the grounds, duration and consequences of the proclamation issued by the president of India pertaining to the failure of constitutional machinery in states? (12.5)

Q. 9. Define ‘Customs’ and explain how do they become basis of law. Give an analytical view on the rote of customs in regulating functioning of society. (12.5)

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