Law Faculty

Law Faculty

Legal Terms in Detail [S to Z]

Legal Terms in Detail S sabotage Damage to or destruction of property, especially the property of an employer during a strike or of the state for political reasons. Sabotage as such is not an offence, although it may be treated…

Legal Terms in Detail [G to M]

Legal Terms in Detail G genocide Conduct aimed at the destruction of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. Killing on a massive scale, for example, genocide of the Jews at the hands of Hitler. Gratuitous Free or with no…

Be the change you want to see in others – Essay

Introduction Story of Mahatma Gandhi cleaning filth during Congress Session How Gandhi inspired others to change by changing himself first All societies are imperfect and change is needed We want others to change, but don’t wish to change ourselves Body…

Waller v. Florida 397 U.S. 387 1970

Waller v. Florida 397 U.S. 387 1970 Case Summary Facts : Waller was found guilty of two city ordinance violations in St. Petersburg, Florida: damage of city property and disorderly breach of the peace. The state of Florida later convicted…

Law Faculty
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